St Mary's RC Primary School, ManchesterSt Mary's Roman Catholic Primary School

St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary School

Year 5 2023 - 2024

Welcome to the Year 5 Class Page.

Mr Jacques, Miss Myrtle, Mrs Nelson and Mrs Ivers would like to extend a warm welcome to Year 5! 



In Year 5, we work really hard to ensure that all the children have the best opportunity possible to achieve their full potential. However, we also try to ensure that we have fun along the way and provide the children with some lovely, lasting memories. We want to ensure that your child reaches his/her full potential, emotionally, socially and academically and we feel that this is best achieved when we work alongside parents. We have put together some information that will hopefully answer many of your questions and give you a clear overview as to what your child will be doing in school. 

How can you help?
There are a variety of ways in which you can help your child do well at school:
? At home, encourage your child to read quietly for 15 minutes each day or spend 15
minutes each day reading with them.

? Find opportunities for your child to use numbers in everyday situations and
encourage them to work out sums in their head.

? Make sure that weekly spellings and any online learning are completed on time

? Encourage your child to follow up interests and talk about them.

? Try to keep up to date with what your child is learning at school and talk regularly
about it.

? Help your child to be ready to learn and not tired when they go to school.

Developing independence is a really important part of being in Year 5. From the moment the children enter Year 5, they are responsible for their own learning, expectations are high and they are encouraged to work independently. We ask that parents support this by helping to develop
children’s independence and encouraging them to be responsible. Children should pack their own bag for school, be responsible for their homework tasks and directed online learning.


By Year 5, we are trying to encourage independence in reading and a love of books. On a weekly basis, the children will be taught reading strategies and comprehension skills. Encouraging reading as a leisure activity can be one of the best ways to improve your child’s performance in English. Remember, children should be encouraged to read for enjoyment and comics and magazines are sometimes useful to engage the more reluctant readers. Even the most able reader will often appreciate books, which have some illustration. If your child is not enjoying a book, please reassure them that they can and should choose something else. Your children’s reading books will be changed as and when they are completed and journals signed. Reading with adults in school will take place at least once per week. Please try to spend 15 minutes per day listening to your child read or reading to your child. Key skills are clarifying words (talking about meaning of unknown words) predicting storylines or actions, questioning why events happened or why characters acted in the way they did and summarising events.

We always promote, encourage and acknowledge positive behaviour. The aim of any sanction that is applied is to cultivate future good behaviour within a forgiving atmosphere where each day is a new day and a chance for a new start. “Love one another as I have loved you” John 13 v 34. In Year 5, we are firm but fair with the children. We aim to nurture skills and strategies with the children to help themselves to deal with situations,such as falling out with friends. Talking to your child about their feelings and emotions and how to control them would support us in achieving this. 

Homework and Reading Records
Your child has a reading record. Reading records need to be brought into school every day and signed by a responsible adult when children have read their school books. Children should also use these to record other literature they are reading. In addition to this children should also have a reading for pleasure text and their school text in their book bags every day. Dojos will be given for children who read regularly at home. Homework will consist of 15 minutes daily reading, practising times tables at least twice a week and set work on Education City (set each Monday for the week, linked to the area of the curriculum we are studying in class). All passwords will be given out and should be kept in reading journals.

We will have two PE sessions weekly, one indoor and one outdoor (weather permitting) Please make sure that your child has their kit in school
every day.

The school PE kit consists of:

A white t-shirt
Navy blue shorts or joggers
Plimsolls or trainers

Forest School
Our wonderful Forest School continues to evolve. We have a brilliant new allotment so that we can start to grow our own vegetables and the trees have really grown and matured since the last time the children were here. Mrs Duff and Mr Stringer cannot wait to welcome you back and engage and inspire you with lots of new activities! 

Here is an overview of all our learning this year.

Year 5 Curriculum Overview 2022 - 2023

Year 5

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


Unit 1:Domestic Church

Family Ourselves

Unit 2:Baptism:



Unit 4 Local Church:

Continuing Jesus’ mission in diocese (ecumenism)

Unit 3 Advent / Christmas

Waiting in joyful hope for Jesus

Unit 5 Eucharist   Memorial Sacrifice The living memorial of Jesus.

Unit 6 Lent/Easter 

Giving:Lent, a time of giving to celebrate the sacrifice of Jesus’

Unit 8 Reconciliation /Inter-relating

Freedom & Responsibility

Unit 7 Pentecost/Serving Transformation. The Spirit’s transforming power.

Unit 9 Universal Church

The Church is called to stewardship of Creation.


Focus Text : How To Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell & You Wouldn't Want To be An Anglo-Saxon Peasant

Writing Outcomes

Fiction: Character description  (entertain)

Non-Fiction: Non-chronological report on Dragons (inform)

Instructions - How to be an Anglo-Saxon Invader (inform)

Poetry: Figurative language poetry & free verse (entertain)

Focus Text : Cosmic by Frank Cotterill Boyce

Writing Outcomes

Fiction: Write an e-mail in character (entertain).

Persuasive poster inviting people on a space ship  (persuade).

Non-Fiction: Non-chronological report on the solar system (inform)

Poetry: Cause and Effect Poems (Poetry),

List Poems(Poetry).

Focus Text : Viking Boy and Viking Voyagers

Writing Outcomes

Fiction: Setting description (entertain).

Non-fiction: Newspaper report (inform)

Instructions (cross-curricular with DT) how to build a Viking long boat. (inform)

Poetry: Kenning Poetry based on a Viking (entertain).


Focus Text : Journey To The River Sea by Eva Ibbotson

Writing Outcomes

Poetry:  River based poetry – Performance,Haiku (entertain).

Fiction: Story opener (entertain).

Non-Fiction: Speech based on deforestation (persuade & discuss)


Focus Text : Hamlet

Writing Outcomes

Fiction: Postcard from Dragor fishing village from Hamlet to Horatio focusing on recount related to one act from the story. (entertain).

Non-Fiction: Plan, draft and compose a newspaper article based on the final scene from Hamlet. (inform)

Balanced discussion on Henry VIII  (persuade & discuss)

Focus Text : Australia:Travel For Kids

Writing Outcomes

Non-Fiction: Travel Guide for Australia (persuade)

Non-chronological report on Australian marsupials (inform)

Fiction: Alma – Narrative (entertain).





  • Place value
  • Addition and Subtraction
  • Statistics
  • Geometry
  • Perimeter


  • Multiplying & Dividing by 10, 100, 1,000
  • Converting measure
  • Written Multiplication
  • Geometry
  • Rectilinear &
  • 2d shape


  • Fractions
  • Equivalents
  • + and –
  • Ordering


  • FDP
  • Equivalents
  • + and –
  • Ordering



  • Multiplication and Division
  • Factor pairs
  • Written methods



  • Multiplication and Division
  • Geometry
  • Area and Perimeter (compound)
  • Volume
  • Position and Direction



Animals Including Humans

SOS Topic 3

Circle of life



SOS Topic 1

Out of this world


Properties and changes of materials

SOS Topic 2

Material World


Animals Including Humans

SOS Topic 5

Growing Up & Old



Properties and changes of materials

SOS Topic 3

Amazing Changes



SOS Topic 4

Let’s Get Moving



Computer Science


Video Game Development


Computer Science

‘Hello, World’

Video Game Development


Computer Science

‘Go Robot!’

Physical system game development L1


Computer Science

‘Go Robot!’

Physical system game development L1


Digital Literacy

Creative Computing L3

Movie Trailer



History & Geography 


Anglo Saxons


Mapping Great Britain











Indoor Athletics












Art / DT

Dragon Art


Viking Houses


Food Technology

Aboriginal Art

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